The R's Of Membership
Our chapter's first recruitment was at the beginning of the year where our State officer talked to each FCS Class and highlighted the positive aspects of membership and encouraged all Students to Join.
October 3rd was FCCLA Day at the State Fair. This is our Chapters BIGGEST Recruitment Activity.
October 17th College Day at George Mason and November 6th College Day at Norfolk State. These college days were amazing opportunities for perspective members to learn more about FCS and FCCLA and all the career pathways.
October 29th was our school districts Fall Rally. We had many members attend and even had a team of 4 participate in our County Knowledge Bowl
January 27th the rising Freshmen came to tour our school for an Elective Fair. We spoke about all classes they were offered and the positive impacts of hopefully joining our chapter next year.
Our Chapter Posted Congratulations to the new officers on our Facebook Page
Each meeting we give a member a chance to speak about our latest trip and what they thought about it.
Last year during FCCLA week we used our bulletin board to post
Monday-Qualities we valued in our student leadership
Tuesday-Highlighted Positive Influencers on Social Media
Wednesday- wrote Thank you notes to any staff member who has made a positive impact in our lives
Thursday-we wrote about our Pencil Skills we learned in FCS classes
Friday- all affiliated members were displayed.
Our Chapter believes that membership should be fun, exciting and engaging. We take many trips throughout the year, allowing our members to travel and explore. We also spread kindness through our towns EPIC committee who allows us to decorate our town's LOVE sign.
How to join?
​Step 1
Ask a current member, Chapter Officer or just stop by room 129, and talk to Mrs. Stroop
Step 2
Pay your $15 yearly dues
Step 3
Attend Meeting and Events. Enjoy your year with FCCLA